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Understanding the differences between two cannabis plants

Hello! I’m here once again sharing with you important information regarding our favorite subject, Medical Cannabis! I hope that by now you have already sign up for our all in one course which covers (cultivation, Oil extraction / manufacturing and cannapharmacology). It’s only five amazing weeks and is also certified by the state of Florida for the legal profession. If you still haven’t register yet let me tell you this is a tremendous opportunity for you to learn everything about this magnificent plant and this great up and coming, emerging new industry.

For today’s topic I decided to write about the main differences between the two major types of cannabis plant. Sativa and indica. I’m pretty sure you have hear about this two varieties. Generally, medicinal cannabis results in the user having a sense of outstanding physical and improved sleep. However, each type offers a different set of benefits. Understanding the distinctness between the two is important in order to find the right strain for each patient.

Cannabis Indica:

Some people agree that Cannabis Indica originated either on the Asian subcontinent, or possibly in Afghanistan. French naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, the first European botanist to classify this type in 1785, received his samples from India and dubbed the plant Cannabis Indica in recognition of that fact.

Most Indicas are a rich source of the cannabinoids THC, CBD and CBN. While Cannabis Sativa often generates a relative amount of THC compared to its other cannabinoids, Cannabis Indica often contains significant levels of all three. Indicas tend to cause more body-centred effects than Sativas - enhancement of physical sensations, relaxation, dry mouth, red eyes.

Usually, cannabis Indica plants are short, bushy plants with wide leaves. For the most part, these plants grow faster and have a higher yield than the sativa variety.


- Relaxing and laid back

-Relieves pain and aches

-Aids sleep

-Reduces inflammation

-Helps relieve spasms and seizures

-Stimulates the appetite

Cannabis Sativa:

Cannabis Sativa is perhaps the most common form of cannabis worldwide and also the type with the most applications. Sativas grows taller than the other types of cannabis, gaining height all through its vegetation, or growing, and flowering phases. This is due to the tropical origin of Sativa strains.

Cannabis Sativa plants are opposite of the Indica strains and grow tall and thin with narrow leaves. Sativa strains take longer to grow, mature, and demand more light. Medicine made from cannabis Sativa plants have lower CBD and higher THC counts.

As the tallest variety, it produces the longest fibers and therefore has the widest range of Industrial uses.


- Anti-anxiety


-Treats chronic pain

-Increases focus and creativity

-Increases serotonin (a neurotransmitter involved in the regulation of learning, mood, sleep, anxiety and appetite)

-For day time use

Cannabis plants can be found almost everywhere in the world, making global levels of cannabis cultivation and production difficult to estimate. Despite the prohibitions and unfavorable opinions towards the plant, it is here to stay!

I really hope you enjoy this information, remember that everything you learn about the plant is important, also you should always be inform about recent news! As you may know the world is awaking to the fact this plant heals and is embracing everything about the miracle of cannabis.

Our 5 week courses:

- Medical Cannabis for Doctors

- Medical Cannabis for Lawyers

- Comprehensive Medical Cannabis

- How to Recruit Investment

First day of class Miami: July 28

Location: Broward College

North Campus 1000 Coconut Creek Blvd,

Coconut Creek, FL 33066​

First day of class South Miami: July 28

Location: Hilton Garden Inn

Miami Airport West 3550 NW 74th Ave
Miami, FL 33122​

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us, we are here to help you in every step of the way.

(214) 733 0868 - (817) 528 2475 /

Until next week with more great info!

mental relaxation, pain reduction, raised appetite, and improved sleep. However, each type offers a different set of benefits. Understanding the distinctness between the two is important in order to find the right strain for each patient.

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