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CBD in Psychiatric Disorders

Currently, there are more than 100 recognized chemical compounds derived from the Cannabis sativa plant known as cannabinoids; among them, a very relevant one is cannabidiol (CBD), which has antipsychotic and anxiolytic properties that favor people who have been diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder of this nature.

CBD is used in people suffering from psychosis, anxiety disorders, substance use disorders and autism spectrum disorders.

In 2020, a group of scientists conducted a review of all the neuroimaging studies that had investigated the acute impact of CBD on human brain function in both healthy volunteers and individuals diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder.

Among the findings found with the oral administration of CBD in the short term, was the decrease in brain activity in areas where they are usually altered in individuals with a psychiatric disorder. That is, the use of CBD is capable of regulating the brain neural networks and in turn, modulates the activity of neurotransmitters such as glutamate, GABA, and dopamine, involved in psychiatric imbalances. On the other hand, in the healthy volunteers studied it has a modulating effect, but not as marked as in those with these conditions.

How does it work? CBD in individuals with psychotic crises normalizes frontostriatal connectivity and in those with anxiety disorders produces a modulation of paralimbic areas located in the brain and related to the development of these crises.

However, from the plant of Cannabis sativa we can also find another cannabinoid known as ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) whose psychoactive properties can produce an increase in neuronal activity aggravating psychiatric conditions. Such properties were found in the same way, in the analyzed studies.

Scientists suggest that CBD could counteract the effects induced by THC and that it could also directly inhibit the reuptake of anandamide. This endocannabinoid of happiness has shown anti-inflammatory activity and its increase after CBD has been linked to antipsychotic effects.

The studies that have been carried out have provided valuable information to be taken into account. However, the same scientists suggest considering a larger population of individuals with psychiatric disorders and, in turn, the use of CBD as a long-term treatment to evaluate if the positive effects on brain activity are maintained.

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