Indica vs Sativa
Indica and Sativa, are two well-known names in the world of cannabis, but do we really know what they mean? When we look for information about cannabis strains it is very common that we find that the strains are classified into three groups: indica, sativa, and hybrids. Most consumers have used these ratings to predict effects:
Indica strains are believed to have sedative and relaxing effects.
Sativa strains are said to provide energy and work well with physical activity.
Hybrids are considered to offer a balance between both effects

This is a deeply rooted belief in popular cannabis culture, however, if we take a look at the chemicals found in indicas and sativas (terpenes and cannabinoids), there are no clear patterns as to why one would have sedative effects. and another, energizing effects. We know that indicas and sativas look different and grow differently, so this classification would really only be primarily useful for growers.
But if Indica and Sativa ratings don't serve as predictors of effects, what can serve as a good predictor?
The effects of any cannabis strain depend on a number of different factors, including its chemical profile, the biology and tolerance of the user, the dose, and the method of consumption.
Considering the chemical profile of the strains, they could be more adequately classified as follows:
THC-dominant strains, these types of strains are used by patients treating pain or side effects of cancer or AIDS treatments
CBD-dominant strains, contain small amounts of THC and are used by patients who are highly sensitive to THC
Strains with a THC/CBD balance, containing similar amounts of both compounds, can be used for a variety of purposes by patients seeking relief from their symptoms and are mostly used for adult use.
Terpenes also play an important role in the energizing or sedative effects of the plant, since they interact with cannabinoids, enhancing their effects.
The amounts of THC, CBD, and terpenes in cannabis are not related to the indica, sativa, or hybrid classification, the only characteristic of sativas that has been found in the presence of the terpene Terpinolene, which is present in a small number of strains. of which the majority are considered sativas and hybrids.
Even so, not all sativas contain this terpene.
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